The first publication from the CAS project 'Exploring the Archaeological Migration Narrative: The Introduction of Farming and Animal Husbandry in Southern Norway', led by Daniela Hofmann and Martin Furholt back in 2021/2022, has been unveiled through the Sidestone Press.
Exploring the Archaeological Migration Narrative
Exploring the Archaeological Migration Narrative
The Introduction of Farming and Animal Husbandry in Southern Norway

Principal investigators
The project aims to create an interdisciplinary dialogue to bring the dominant archaeological and archaeogenetic migration narrative up to date with the archaeological and anthropological discourse on human mobilities, identities and social change and to further explore its implications for our understanding of human movements in prehistory. We will especially focus on interlinking the archaeological material of southern Norway, in the contexts of the larger region of northwestern Europe during the 4th and 3rd millennium BC. The emphasis will be on the role human mobility and migration in the introduction and establishment of farming and animal husbandry. This region has so far not played a sufficiently important role in the development of more general models of prehistoric migration, yet we believe its unique characteristics could strongly impact the direction of research more widely.