CAS Research Grant

The CAS Research Grant is the Centre’s funding opportunity for established researchers. Recipients of a CAS Research Grant can invite scholars from all around the world, at any stage of their academic career, to participate in their project.

Who may apply?

To be eligible to apply for this grant, you need to hold a permanent, full-time, tenured academic position at one of our partner institutions >

Our agreements with our partner institutions ensures that the applicant will be granted paid leave by the home institution during the stay at CAS. But please note that your application needs to be supported by your head of department.

The project should be blue-sky, curiosity-driven, challenge given truths and have the potential to advance the research frontier in the relevant field(s). Scholars in all fields can apply but note that laboratory-based research is not possible at CAS.

The applicant will serve as the principal investigator (PI) of the project and must be based at the Centre for the whole academic year, which runs from 15 August to 30 June. However, it is possible to apply with a co-PI (who must also be employed by a partner institution). When there are two PIs, they may alternate leadership responsibilities for shorter periods and stay elsewhere than at CAS if their family situation, laboratory work requirements, or other central elements of the project make this necessary. During such periods, the absent PI must still participate remotely.


Grant and support

The Centre normally hosts three CAS Research projects per year. Each project receives a grant of up to NOK 3.2 million (depending on the State funds allocated to CAS) and has access to five office spaces.

The grant covers travel and accommodation expenses for visiting scholars (fellows and guests), potential teaching replacement costs, and activities such as conferences, seminars, and workshops.

The administration at CAS assists the PIs in making all the arrangements regarding contracts, bookings, IT and library services. We also help with queries regarding immigration and will assist families in finding and applying for kindergartens and schools if necessary.


Project participants: Fellows

The PIs can invite prominent scholars from around the world to participate in their projects. All scholars in residence, including the PIs, are referred to as fellows as long as they stay for at least one month. To promote career development and mentorship, we encourage the PIs to include PhD candidates and postdoctoral fellows among their fellows. The PI can also invite guests to stay for a shorter period. These acquire the status of affiliated researcher.

Fellows not employed by one of the Centre’s partner institutions usually come to CAS during their sabbatical leave. If this is not possible, a portion of the project’s budget may be used to cover a fellow’s documentable teaching replacement costs. 

If a fellow is selected to join as an RJ fellow all costs are covered by the Nordic Fellowship Program and the agreement between CAS and Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (RJ). An RJ fellow is granted paid leave for a whole academic year and enjoys the same benefits and services as other fellows. PI's are encouraged to incorporate an RJ fellow in their project proposals as this will increase the research capacity of the corresponding CRG group without affecting its budget from CAS.

While in residence, all fellows are expected to work full-time on the project and must sign a research agreement with CAS to this effect.


Rights to the research

The rights to the results issuing from the projects will belong to the individual scholars and their respective institutions.

Publication points resulting from the project will be credited to the scholars and their home institutions.

In exchange, the Centre’s financial contribution to a project should be acknowledged in all publications resulting from the project.


The application process

The Centre accepts applications for the CAS Research Grant once a year. The call for applications will be published in June each year, with a deadline in October.

Please see the call for more information >

Applications that meet our requirements, standards and format, will be subject to an international peer review.

The final selection of the grant recipients will be made by our board of directors in the following June.

The administrative staff will spend the next year assisting the PIs in the planning phase leading up to their arrival at CAS in August the following year.