Lisa Sattenspiel

University of Missouri
Year at CAS

Christian Sattler

Postdoctoral Fellow
University of Gothenburg
Year at CAS

Trond Saue

Université Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier
Year at CAS
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James Saulsbury

Postdoctoral Fellow
University of Oslo (UiO)
Year at CAS
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Hans-Bernd Schäfer

University of Hamburg
Year at CAS

Thomas Harder Scheike

University of Copenhagen
Year at CAS

Rudolph Ernst Schild

Senior Researcher
Harvard University
Year at CAS
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Dag Schjelderup-Ebbe

Professor Em.
University of Oslo (UiO)
Year at CAS

Jens Peter Schjødt

Aarhus University
Year at CAS
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Alexander Schjøll

Ph. D. Candidate
National Institute for Conusmer Research (SIFO)
Year at CAS