Office facilities at CAS

CAS is located in the same building as The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters (DNVA) in the villa in Drammensveien 78 in Oslo.

All the offices of CRG and CAT projects are situated on the lower ground floor, which includes a printer room, kitchenette, common area, and two small meeting rooms. The administrative staff and YCG projects' offices are located on the third floor, along with the Turret room, a printer room, and a kitchenette.

During their stay in Oslo, all researchers will be provided with an office space, either a single office or a double office shared with another scholar participating in the same project. Each office space is equipped with a desk, chair, external monitor, mouse, and keyboard.

Fellows should indicate whether they are PC or Mac users under ‘My Stay’. Additionally, fellows should inform CAS of any special needs, such as ergonomic equipment.

The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters (DNVA/the Academy) and the Centre for Advanced Study (CAS) are separate organisations. We have separate administrative staffs and separate objectives for our two organisations.

CAS is a tenant of the Academy, and our administrative staff and fellows do therefore not have access to the Academy's premises on the ground and second floors without an appointment.

Due to this, it is also incorrect to state that a CAS or Young CAS project is being funded by the Academy, or that the Academy are hosting the fellows staying at CAS.

The Turret room is the Centre’s largest meeting room, with a capacity of up to 30 people. Fellows can book the room for seminars and workshops by emailing senior adviser Camilla K. Elmar. The booking is free of charge.

The Academy is available for rent for larger events. Note that it is booked by the day and is a popular venue. For events in May, June, August and September, the Academy should be booked about a year ahead. The Kavli lecture hall can seat 100 people, while the dining room seats 86. 

Although CAS shares the building with DNVA, they are separate organisations. The Academy’s first and second floors are only available when rented. If you would like a tour, please ask the administration at CAS first. We will contact the Academy and arrange it for you.

An important part of the experience of being a fellow at CAS is to engage in conversations across disciplinary and national boundaries. Therefore, all fellows, affiliated researchers, and the administrative staff have lunch together. Lunch is served in the Turret room on the third floor at 12 noon, Monday through Friday.

All fellows in residence will receive a weekly email asking for their lunch orders for the coming week. Guests of the projects are also welcome to participate in the lunches.

PIs must order lunch on behalf of the projects’ guests.

The lunches are heavily subsidised, and payments are made once a semester or at the end of a fellow’s stay. Guests’ lunches will be charged to the group’s budget.

Coffee, tea, and fruit are free of charge and always available.

All fellows will be given their own set of keys to the Centre upon arrival. These must be returned before departure.

When first arriving, fellows may ring the doorbell by the main entrance to be let in by a member of the administrative staff. Any fellows who are planning on arriving on weekends or outside of office hours need to coordinate this with their PI to receive keys to the Centre.

Affiliated researchers and guests are the responsibility of their group leaders and do not receive their own keys. During office hours, they may ring the doorbell to be let in.

If any keys are lost, please inform senior executive officer Kristin L. Reyes. She will provide a replacement set.

There are no costs associated with lost keys – accidents do happen!

At the start of each semester, the administrative staff will give the PIs a guided tour of the facilities and go through all safety measures. PIs are responsible for escorting their researchers out of their offices in case of a fire alarm.

Fellows receive a brief tour of the Centre upon arrival and should familiarise themself with the emergency exits and fire extinguishers closest to their office. They can ask their PI or the administrative staff for further guidance if needed.

When the fire alarm goes off, the researchers must evacuate the building and gather at the designated meeting spot in the courtyard. An administrative staff member will show you the meeting spot.

It is crucial that all researchers evacuate and stay put at the meeting spot until the situation is resolved.

A defibrillator is available in the wardrobe on the third floor, just outside the restrooms. The administration is trained to use it, as well as to perform CPR and other first aid.

Each floor has a first aid kit and sanitizer dispensers.