Accommodations and family

CAS will provide accommodation for everyone in residence as long as they do not reside in Oslo or the surrounding area. This applies to PIs and fellows, as well as to affiliated researchers and guests.

CAS partners with Frogner House Apartments (FHA) to rent flats of various sizes and locations, tailored to the needs of individual fellows.

Affiliated researchers and guests staying for less than 10 days will be booked into hotels unless otherwise specified.

The Centre partners with Clarion Collection Hotel Gabelshus and Scandic Solli.

CAS will make all the arrangements for accommodations. Each fellow will receive information regarding their flat and address at the end of the month before their arrival.

Fellows should log in to the Centre’s intranet to submit information under ‘My Stay’.

Here, each fellow will get an overview of all stays currently planned at CAS. You can update, add, or delete any additional information about your stay.

It is important that all fellows provide CAS with any and all necessary information to that we can provide a flat suited for their needs. This includes informing us of accompanying family members or pets. This also applies if the fellow or their family members require access to a lift in their building.

All flats are fully furnished, including everything the fellows need from tableware and cooking utensils to bedding, sheets, and towels. Cable TV and Wi-Fi are both included.

Cleaning services are not provided by CAS on an regular basis, but we will carry out an ‘end-of-tenancy cleaning’ after departure.

Smoking is strictly prohibited indoors in all flats.

For those who want to travel by car, please note that parking in Oslo is not covered by the Centre. The rate for renting a parking space can be expensive and the availability low, so we would reccommend another mode of transport if possible.

CAS provide flats with different addresses in Oslo, but they are all within walking distance of the Centre.

Fellows with any difficulty walking should let us know under ‘My Stay’ so that we can make sure the flat is located as close as possible to our address.

We will be happy to make the necessary arrangements for fellows to be located close to any specific school or kindergarten if they are bringing children with them.

Accommodations can only be provided during the academic year, from 15 August through 30 June. Accommodations for fellows will be covered out of the project's budget, and are only available during the researchers’ stay at the Centre (from arrival to departure date).

If fellows want to stay for a longer period before or after their research stay for leisure, CAS can help with these arrangements, but will not cover the expenses.

Fellows will receive information about their flats by email approximately four weeks before arrival. Information regarding check-in and check-out rutines will also be provided here.

If you yet to received any information regardin you flat two week before arrival, please contact us.

Yes, we can accommodate fellows who wish to bring their families with them to Oslo. Fellows must specify the number of family members and their need for accommodations under ‘My Stay’.

In addition, bringing family members will have to be approved by the PI in advance, as it will result in increased expenses for the project.

In some cases, family members may need to apply for their own residence permits. More information can be found in the FAQ section on visas >

The project will usually cover travelling expenses for the whole family to and from Oslo once. If additional travels have to be made between Oslo and the home, the fellow and their family will have to cover this themselves.

Yes, fellows can bring their pets with them to Oslo, but this must be approved by the PI and CAS in advance, as bringing pets results in an additional fee from housing. This fee can be covered by the project, but it must be approved by the PI. If the project does not cover the pet fee, the fellow will have to cover it themselves.

In addition, not all addresses that the Centre rents permit pets. To ensure that we can book a pet friendly flat, we need to know that you intend on bringing them ahead of booking. 

Fellows must specify their wish to bring pets on ‘My Stay’.

Yes, we can assist in suggesting schools or kindergartens for fellows bringing children to Oslo. However, each fellow is responsible for submitting their child’s application.

Both schools and kindergartens in Norway have strict application deadlines, and fellows who wish to bring their children should start the application process as early as possible.

Please note that expenses for schooling can vary significantly, and any expenses covered by the project must be approved by the PI beforehand. If the expenses will be covered by the projects, we can ask the school to invoice the Centre directly.