Quantum Phenomena in Lower Dimensions
Quantum Phenomena in Lower Dimensions
Principal investigators
The program was defined as a project on quantum phenomena of low-dimensional systems. In recent years there has been a high degree of interest for this field of research. The main reason for the interest has been the discovery of the quantum Hall effect and high temperature superconductivity. In both cases the main dynamics is believed to be due to the quasi-two dimensionality of the electron systems. From the theoretical point of view there are many interesting and intriguing aspects which are due to the reduced dimensionality. At an early stage Norwegian physicists have been engaged in theoretical study of these effects, partly motivated by the discovery of Myrheim and Leinaas that fractional statistics, which interpolate between Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac statistics, is a theoretical possibility in two and one-dimensional systems. In recent years this work has been followed up in a co-operation between Norwegian physicists and physicists from Sweden and other countries. The aim of the activity at the centre has been to gather a group of physicists of high international level who should have the possibility to work and cooperate under favorable conditions. The interaction with the Norwegian scientists has been an important aspect of the activity, and of particular importance has been to involve younger physicists. There have been three Norwegian PhD students, one (German) postdoc and a young scientist from Eastern Europe (Mashkevich) engaged in the program. An important aim has been to organize the activity so that there should be an continued effect of the activity beyond the the year of the program. The intention is to follow up the contacts which have been established in the coming years. A physics program financed by the Norwegian Research Council entitled Quantum phenomena in low-dimensional systems will be an important element in this continued activity.