
Tampering with your gut bacteria: really‐smart or really frightening?

Afternoon seminar: "Tampering with your gut bacteria: really‐smart or really frightening?" (Co-arranged with the Norwegian Microbiology Society).


  • Midtvedt, T: What is the evidence that gut microbiota affect human health?
  • Lea, T: Soil bacteria and intestinal health.
  • Martin, R:Use of dietary resistant starch to alter gut microbiota and fermentation and improve health span.
  • Avershina, E: Factors influencing infant gut microbiota colonization and development.
  • Umu, Ö. C. O: Implications of prebiotic fibers on gut microbial activity and satiety control.
  • Ravi, A: Characterization of antibiotic resistant genes in integrons from a large Mother Child cohort.
  • Ertsås Naas, A: The metagenomics challenge – accessing the secrets of the uncultured majority.

Evening seminar: "The right foods for the right gut bacteria: staying healthy, hearty and slim".

  • Program:
  • Madam, G. & Egelandsdal, B: The Ecology of Food Perception: The project and its phases.
  • Midtvedt, T: The role of microbiota in keeping us healthy and slim: what do we believe and/or know?
  • Oostindjer, M. et al: Tomorrow’s challenges: the road towards implementation of next generation approaches to healthy eating.