CAS strengthens concluded projects

In order to support the afterlife of CAS projects, and for research groups to continue developing the results from a year at CAS, the Centre announces a CAS Alumni Fellowship Grant.
Current group leaders Bjørn Ian Dundas and Marc Bezem hope that the funding can contribute to transfer ownership and responsibility of the project to their home institution after their year at CAS.
Networking, application writing, and events
The CAS Alumni Fellowship Grant is a new funding scheme for former CAS project leaders, and is supposed to cover networking, application writing, workshops, and conferences.
Project leaders from the past three years may apply, in total nine projects will compete for three grants.
In the initial round of grants, Bjørn Ian Dundas and Marc Bezem received funding for their on-going CAS project Homotopy Type Theory and Univalent Foundations.
The project is about to enter its final month at CAS.
‘In the course of the CAS program, we have enjoyed a flurry of activity, from practical implementation of formalization, to fundamental research on the underlying foundations’, says Dundas.
Soon the fellows return to their home institutions and are scattered around the world.
‘Maintaining at least some of this momentum beyond the current program would help cement the achievements made’, Dundas explains.
The project leaders believe that the grant will enable them to finish what they started at CAS. It will also contribute to bringing the project into a new phase.
‘Inevitably, there are some larger but very concrete things, for instance a collaborative book project we just didn’t have time to finish within the year, and also new unforeseen avenues have opened’, says Dundas.
Bezem elaborates, ‘The extra funding enables us to invite some of the co-authors of the book on symmetry to Bergen in order to finish it’.
Brings the project back home
The project hosts the workshop on Homotopy Type Theory and Univalent Foundations in June 2019.
‘With the CAS Alumni Fellowship Grant, we hope to continue with conferences also in the spring of 2020 and 2021, in Bergen’, says Marc Bezem.
He and Bjørn Ian Dundas are professors at the University in Bergen, one of CAS’ member institutions. In the end of June, they bring extra financial support back to the rainy city of Bergen. Dundas therefore believes that the CAS Alumni Fellowship Grant can strengthen the bond between CAS and the member institution.
‘The Fellowship will help transferring ownership and responsibility to our home institution and to secure outside funding for the research’.
Demise of Religions also received the grant in 2019.
The next call for the CAS Alumni Fellowship Grant is expected in November 2019.