Robert Macfarlane: – We are the Generation Anthropocene

April 6 2017 writer and scholar Robert Macfarlane gave the talk Deep Time, Thin Place And Thick Speech in the Anthropocene at Litteraturhuset in Oslo.


– We are Generation Anthropocene, Robert Macfarlane says, but argues that our need for change seems to greatly exceed our capacity to exert it.

April 6 2017 writer and scholar Robert Macfarlane gave the talk Deep Time, Thin Place And Thick Speech in the Anthropocene at Litteraturhuset in Oslo.

Macfarlane was invited, and the talk was organised by, the CAS research group After Discourse: Things, Archaeology, and Heritage in the 21st Century.


Extracts from the "Polar Day" sonification are used by kind permission of its creators, Mark Ballora and Matthew Kenny, using data collected by the paleoclimate scientist David Pollard.

Published 26 April 2017, 12:00 | Last edited 26 October 2018, 10:14