CAS’ new website celebrated at Litteraturhuset

Tuesday April 19, CAS arranged a celebration of the new website. The event was open to all.


The celebration of the completion of the centre's new website took place at Litteraturhuset in Oslo.

Scientific director Professor Vigdis Broch-Due opened the event with some information about the centre, which she also called “Norway’s greatest secret”, and talked about why it is important that CAS become better known and the value of basic research.

Professor Houston Smit, CAS-fellow in the philosophy research project, neatly followed with a humoristic story about researchers at CAS: after spending time at CAS, researchers tend to get the post-CAS Syndrome, which makes them incapable of handling a regular University life.

Last speaker was Professor Camilla Serck-Hanssen. She shortly talked about the value of humanities in the society at large, and exemplified with her role as a philosopher in the Norwegian Defence Department.

The vocal group Pitsj wrapped it all up.


Published 21 April 2016, 12:00 | Last edited 26 October 2018, 10:29