CAS joins the Constructive Advanced Thinking (CAT) Programme
This year, CAS has joined the Constructive Advanced Thinking (CAT) programme, founded by the Network of European Institutes for Advanced Study (NetIAS). This means that researchers at our partner institutions now can apply for the CAT Grant and travel abroad to visit several of our sister institutions.

Incubated in the Network of European Institutes for Advanced Study (NETIAS) in 2019 and supported by 12 Institutes for Advanced Study, the CAT initiative aims to foster networks of excellent early-career researchers dedicated to devise new ideas to understand and to tackle current or emerging societal challenges.
Although the programme has a strong focus on the societal relevance of the projects, it is entirely blue sky, bottom-up, and non-thematic. CAT encourages collaboration with stakeholders outside academia (industry, policymakers, NGOs...) who are willing to support or engage in innovative research initiatives.
The programme supports short stays and research visits of international and interdisciplinary teams of three to five early career researchers, possibly including a stakeholder and led by a PI, at participating IAS in order to advance constructive thinking, stimulate discussion and expertise and knowledge exchange.
Read the Call for Applications here >
Deadline for applications: October 15, 2023.