Lunch Seminars
This month, our Turret room lunchtime transformed into a hub of learning during this semester's engaging lunch seminars. These sessions, a highlight of each semester, showcased the diverse work of this year's research groups.

We kicked off with Anders Malthe-Sørenssen from the FricFrac project discussing 'Neural Networks and Fracture Processes'. Kurusch Ebrahimi-Fard and Fabian Nøst Harang, who co-leads the Signatures for Images project then delved into 'Data-Streams and Image Signatures'. Attila Tanyi from the PROFOUND project enlightened us about 'Prudence, Morality, and Choice', and Marianne Tronstad Lund with Bjørn Hallvard Samset who co-leads the HETCLIF project concluded the week with insights into 'Air Pollution and Climate Change'.
These seminars not only offered a glimpse into the innovative work of our colleagues but also fostered rich, interdisciplinary discussions, enhancing our community's intellectual landscape. We eagerly await our next series of lunchtime learnings!