CAS partnering with AYF and KUF on research prize for younger researchers

CAS is excited to announce that it has recently partnered with the Young Academy of Norway (AYF) to provide funding for the “Konkurransen unge forskere” (Young Researchers Awards), a national competition for students from age 13-20 in Norway.

camilla Serck-Hansen and Bjørn Kristian Danbolt signing cooperation agreement

The competition aims to create enthusiasm, foster interest, and encourage active engagement in research among young people, while also offering opportunities for talented students to build networks and showcase their capabilities. In the long term, the initiative seeks to inspire greater interest in research careers.

Camilla Serck-Hansen, Bjørn kristian Danbolt and Birger Berge
Bjørn Kristian Danbolt (AYF), Birger Berge (KUF) and Camilla Serkc-Hansen. Photo: Helene Ramnæs/CAS

As part of this collaboration, CAS will introduce a new award category focused on basic research. CAS Grunnforskningspris (CAS Basic Research Prize) is designed to spark interest in basic research and its intrinsic value. CAS will reward research projects that:

  • Challenge established theories
  • Explore new areas or phenomena
  • Develop concepts and pose bold research questions
  • Demonstrate a high degree of theoretical and methodological understanding

Director Camilla Serck-Hansen expressed her enthusiasm for the partnership, noting that the competition has a long history of showcasing the creativity and strong academic skills of young participants. "We are delighted to contribute to this important initiative and hope to inspire the next generation of researchers," she said.

You can read more about KUF and the new research prize here (in Norwegian) >

Published 16 October 2024, 10:09 | Last edited 16 October 2024, 10:27