CAS Invites Norwegian Research Institutions to Join as Partners
The Centre is now accepting applications from Norwegian institutions to become CAS partners. Interested institutions must submit their applications by 31 January 2025.

CAS currently has a network of 17 Norwegian partner institutions, including universities, university colleges, and research institutes. The partnership agreements, which last for five years and are renewable, are structured to benefit CAS, the partner institutions, and the researchers themselves.
As a CAS partner, researchers from your institution can apply as Principal Investigators (PIs) to lead 1- or 2-year projects through our two grant programmes:
- The CAS Research Grant, designed for established researchers
- The Young CAS Grant, tailored for early-career scholars
While there is no direct cost associated with the partnership, partner institutions contribute to the collaboration by providing scholars from their institutions with fully paid sabbatical leave during their stay at CAS.
We will welcome up to two new partner institutions, with selection based on competitive review of submitted applications. The applications are processed at the CAS Board meeting in February.
Applications should be submitted to
Application deadline 31 January 2025.
View the formal requirements for becoming a partner here (PDF) >
For queries regarding the partnership, please email our administration >