
Young CAS Fellow Symposium on Academic Resilience

This symposium is hosted by the Young CAS Fellow Nani Teig and the project "Disadvantaged Students Who Beat the Odds"

Tuesday, 1 October 2024             

09:00-09:10       Introduction to the symposium by Young CAS Fellow Nani Teig (University of Oslo, NO)

09:10-09:35       Bethany Fishbein (TIMSS & PIRLS International Study Center, Boston College, US): Using TIMSS 2019 Process Data to Examine Non-Response Behavior

09:35-10:35       Nani Teig (University of Oslo, NO), Qiwei He (Georgetown University, US), Esther Ulitzsch (University of Oslo, NO), Artur Pokropek (Polish Academy of Sciences, PL), and Ulf Kröhne (Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education, DE): The Young CAS project Disadvantaged Students Who Beat the Odds: Toward a New Generation of Research in Academic Resilience

10:35-11:15       Group Discussion 1

11:15-11:30       Short break, coffee, tea and snacks

11:30-11:55       Louise Archer (University College London, UK): What shapes young people's STEM trajectories age 10-22 and what enables working-class students to succeed? Evidence from the UK ASPIRES study

11:55-12:20       Sue J. Wilder (University of Warwick, UK): Mathematical resilience: the antidote to maths-related harm

12:20-13:20       Lunch

13:20-13:45       Franck Salles (DEPP, Ministry of Education, FR): Focusing on students’ strategies: The use of process data in mathematics large scale assessments in France

13:45-14:10       Bryan Maddox (University of Cambridge, UK): Process data as formative insight: Reflections on the Integrity of Testing Situations

14:10-14:25       Short break, coffee, tea and snacks

14:25-14:50       Elena C. Papanastasiou (University of Nicosia, CY): Where do you invest your time in?  Insights from TIMSS Process Data

14:50-15:15       Bernard Veldkamp (University of Twente, NL): Experience from the Netherlands with process mining for classifying respondents

15:15-15:45       Group Discussion 2

15:45-16:15       Closing remarks and wrap-up

17:30-20:30       Dinner for invited guests