Workshop: Meaning Construction

The 'SynSem' research project will hold a working meeting with parts of the (enhanced) Universal Dependencies (UD) initiative, to discuss meaning construction on top of UD syntax.



9.30 am - Deep Syntactic Graphs for French

  • Marie de Marneffe & Djamé Seddah

10.30 am - Enhancing UD Treebanks

11.30 am - Coffee break

12.00 pm - Homework Review: CCS Enhanced Dependencies

13.00 pm - Lunch break

14.00 pm - Building Deep Syntax Structures for User-Generated Content

  • Djamé Seddah

15.00 pm - The Groningen Parallel Meaning Bank

  • Johan Bos

16.00 pm - Coffee break

16.30 pm - Meaning Representations for Quantitative Facts

  • Matt Lamm

17.00 pm - Real-World Challenges of Deep Understanding of Professional Level Text

  • Vijay Saraswat



9.00 am - Universal Typed Semantic Parsing

  • Siva Reddy, Matt Lamm & Sebastian Schuster

10.00 am - Glue Semantics for Universal Dependencies

11.00 am - Coffee break

11.30 pm - Holes in the MRS Composition Algebra

12.30 pm - Lunch break

13.30 pm - A Constrained Graph Algebra for Semantic Parsing (with AMRs)

  • Meaghan Fowlie & Alexander Koller

14.30 pm - AMR Dependency Parsing with a Typed Semantic Algebra

  • Jonas Groschwitz & Alexander Koller

15.30 pm - Coffee break

16.00 pm - Universal Semantic Tagging

  • Johan Bos



9.00 am - Semantic Roles for a Universal Semantics built atop UD

  • Siva Reddy & Matt Lamm

10.00 am - Coffee break

10.30 am - Towards ‘Standards’ in Symbolic Meaning Representations

  • Johan Bos

11.00 pm - Discussion