
Using Diversity in Multilingual Experience as a Model to Study Neural Plasticity: workshop 2

Project illustration depicting a model of brain plasticity. Illustrated by Camilla K. Elmar / CAS.

This is the second workshop hosted by the Young CAS-project "Diversity in Multilingual Experience as a Model to Study Neural Plasticity". This workshop is open for invited participants only. On 6 March, a public workshop will take place, see "Understanding bi-/multilingualism as a life experience" for programme and more information.

The aim of this workshop is to map factors that pertain to diversity of experience within multilingualism and how certain factors (e.g., various environmental, sociocultural, and other factors, and their interaction) may carry more or less influence on language control demands across the lifespan. Specific topics will include: 1) theoretical and empirical insights to individual differences in (multilingual) language experience; 2) context-specific (e.g., sociolinguistic) factors that influence the context-general mechanisms of adaptation; and 3) understudied factors in multilingualism and neurocognition (e.g., relative linguistic distance). 


Day 1, 6 March

Introductions and workshop goal outlines 

Individual meetings 


Public workshop (UiT- SVHUM B1005, also streamed via Teams)


Day 2, 7 March 

Morning session- Language distance- Marco as discussant, Christos as session lead

Coffee break

Mid-morning session- language experience- Ad Backus as presenter/discussant (joining online), Merel as session lead


Afternoon session- Language development- Ewa as discussant, Gigi as session lead

Coffee break

Late afternoon/evening session - Language learning- Patrick as discussant, Zofia as session lead


Day 3, 8 March

Morning session: Synthesis of discussion/presentations, 

Discuss plans for workshop 3 and research stay at CAS