TYPES 2019

The TYPES meetings are a forum to present new and on-going work in all aspects of type theory and its applications, especially in formalised and computer assisted reasoning and computer programming.
The meetings from 1990 to 2008 were annual workshops of a sequence of five EU funded networking projects. Since 2009, TYPES has been run as an independent conference series.
The TYPES areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
- foundations of type theory and constructive mathematics;
- applications of type theory;
- dependently typed programming;
- industrial uses of type theory technology;
- meta-theoretic studies of type systems;
- proof assistants and proof technology;
- automation in computer-assisted reasoning;
- links between type theory and functional programming;
- formalizing mathematics using type theory
The Conference is partially supported by COST Action CA15123 EUTypes, and in 2019 it is organised jointly by CAS and the University of Bergen.
For more information, see the official website: TYPES 2019.