Stochastics of Environmental and Financial Economics
Kick-off conference by the CAS research group Stochastics in Environmental and Financial Economics (SEFE) that brought together leading researchers in the fields of stochastic analysis and finance to discuss the recent developments and challenges with an edge towards energy, environmental and financial markets.
The organizing committee consisted of Fred Espen Benth and Giulia Di Nunno (UiO).
Invited speakers: Ole Barndorff-Nielsen (Århus), Jocelyne Bion-Nadal (Ecole Polytechnique, Paris), Jose Manuel Corcuera (Barcelona), Boualem Djehiche (KTH, Stockholm), Fausto Gozzi (Luiss University, Rome), Juri Hinz (UTS Sydney), Yaozhong Hu (Kansas), Jan Kallsen (Kiel), Asger Lunde (Århus), Bernt Øksendal (Oslo), Mark Podolskij (Århus), Barbara Ruediger (Wuppertal), Francesco Russo (ENSTA ParisTech), Marta Sanz-Solé (Barcelona), Agnes Sulem (INRIA), Josef Teichmann (ETH Zurich), Michele Vanmaele (Gent), Almut Veraart (Imperial, London), Mihail Zervos (LSE, London).