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Spring School on Point Processes and Complex Analysis

The spring school presented recent trends in the study of point processes related to complex analysis and mathematical physics (first of all, zeroes of random analytic functions and Coulomb gases). The school consisted of several mini‐courses targeted at young researchers as well as talks on recent advances in the field. The school gave an introduction to the subject and presented also some spectacular recent progress.

Mini‐courses given by: Nikolai Makarov (Caltech), Etienne Sandier (Paris‐Est), Bernard Shiffman(Johns Hopkins), Boris Tsirelson (Tel Aviv), Bálin Virág (Toronto)

Talks by: Yacin Ameur (Lund), Jorge Antezana (La Plata), Pavel Bleher (Purdue), Jerry Buckley (Barcelona), Naomi Feldman (Tel Aviv), Subhroshekhar Ghosh (Berkeley), Antti Haimi (Stockholm), Boris Hanin (Northwestern), Håkan Hedenmalm (Stockholm), Manjunath Krishnapur (Bangalore), Zakhar Kabluchko (Ulm), Nir Lev (Bar Ilan), Alon Nishry (Tel Aviv), Ron Peled (Tel Aviv), Junyan Zhu (Johns Hopkins).

Organized by the CAS research project Operator Related Function Theory and Time-Frequency Analysis.