
Soft Matter Physics & Complex Flows

We were 56 participants at the meeting, which was co-funded by Nordforsk through the Nordic
network NordSoft. The first session of the meeting took place on MS Vågsfjord, where four talks
were presented while on route from Bodø to Svolvær. Among the speakers of the meeting were 11 CAS Fellows (E. Bouchaud, P. Dommersnes, J.O. Fossum, I. Giaever, T.H. Johansen, Y.
Meheust, W. Ortiz, R. Pynn, A. T. Skjeltorp, S. Santucci, R. Toussaint), plus many of our postdocs
and PhD students. Full information about the event is found in the published book: Abstracts
from International Workshop on Soft matter & Complex Flows, ISBN 978-82-93224-10-5, edited
by J. O. Fossum and E. Bouchaud.

Organized by the CAS research project Complex Matter Science.