Sharing values: links, hybridity and innovation in a Viking-Age network

The CAS research group After Discourse: Things, Archaeology, and Heritage in the 21st Century welcomes you to the semester's last Friday seminar at CAS, Centre for Advanced Study.
Friday December 16, Nanouschka Burström will give the paper "Sharing values: links, hybridity and innovation in a Viking-Age network". The seminar is organised in an informal, colloquial style and is open to all interested.
About Nanouschka Burström
Nanouschka Burström is reader in Archaeology, at the Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies, Stockholm University, and is currently a visiting scholar at IAKH at the University of Oslo. Burström's research focus is on Iron Age and Medieval subjects and materials, such as Viking Age and Medieval Scandinavian coinage, Iron Age picture stones, Norse mythology, and precious metal depositions. One recurrent theme in her research is the integration of the dimensions of object, text and picture.