SEFE and the EMS-CDC
Workshop by the CAS research project Stochastics in Environmental and Financial Economics (SEFE).
Starting from the themes of environmental and energy finance and economics, the workshop has provided a platform for discussion on the challenges and the strategies for an even development of education and research in mathematics. SEFE has hosted the European Mathematical Society committee for developing countries to discuss these themes. The EMS is a learned society representing mathematicians throughout Europe. It promotes the development of all aspects of mathematics in Europe, in particular mathematical research, relations of mathematics to society, relations to European institutions, and mathematical education. The EMS members include around 60 national mathematical societies in Europe, 40 research centers and departments, and about 3000 individuals. In particular, the CDC is the committee promoting mathematics in less developed countries. It promotes the links with universities, centers, and institutions helping with the development of mathematics curricula, specially research oriented and with the enrichment of libraries. It is assisting with the formation of regional centers and networks.
The workshop featured presentations of: FE Benth (UiO), G. DiNunno (UiO), Antonella Zanna Munth-Kaas (Bergen), Bernt Øksendal (UiO), Francesco Pappalardi (Rome), Stefano Luzzatto (Trieste, ICTP), Wandera Ogana (video connection, U. Nairobi, International Mathematical Union), Claude Cibils (Montpellier and CIMPA director), Tsou Sheung Tsun (Oxford, CIMPA President), Pavel Exner (EMS, President), Michel Waldschmidt (Paris VI, Chair of the EMS-CDC).
The workshop was organized by FE. Benth and G. Di Nunno.