
Second conference on Stochastics of Environmental and Financial Economics

Second conference by CAS research project  Stochastics in Environmental and Financial Economics (SEFE).

This second conference was a follow up of the first one, with some focus in presenting the SEFE research results. In addition the conference as marked the scientific achievements of professor Bernt Øksendal on the occasion of his 70th anniversary: on Thursday April 23 the program of the conference had a special program of speakers. The organizing committee consisted of FE Benth and G. DiNunno (UiO)

Invited speakers: Knut Aase (NHH Bergen), Elisa Alos (University Pompeu Fabra,Barcelona), Andreas Basse O'Connor (Århus University), Francesca Biagini (LMU Munich), Michael Coulon (Sussex University), Albina Danilova (LSE London), Mark Davis (Imperial College London), Damir Filipovic (EPFL Lausanne), Hans Foellmer (Humboldt University Berlin), Yaozhong Hu (Kansas University), Saul Jacka (Warwick University), Ruediger Kiesel (University of Duisburg-Essen), Edward Lungu (University of Botswana), Arne Løkka (LSE London), Yuliya Mishura (University of Kiev), Bernt Øksendal (University of Oslo), Markus Riedle (King's College, London), Emanuela Rosazza Gianin (University Milano-Bicocca) Robert Stelzer (Ulm University), Agnes Sulem (INRIA Paris), Jan Ubøe (NHH Bergen), Josep Vives (University of Barcelona), Tusheng Zhang (Manchester University).