Other event

Screening of Dreamland movie

Current CAS fellow Britt Kramvig screens her movie, Dreamland, followed by a panel discussion with its makers moderated by professor Michael Bravo.

From the University of Tromsø:

"The movie is a journey through people-places in Arctic landscapes is made by the figure of a native anthropologist. She follows in the footsteps of many others, recounting experience. Viewers glimpse moments of a sublime, the subject of Poe’s poem. The movie gives form to hopes for futures different than pasts. An essayistic documentary in the form of a twenty-first century Arctic road-movie by professor Britt Kramvig (UiT) and filmmaker Rachel Gomez (Tromsø)."

View trailer (Vimeo)

The movie screening and the following discussion is a part of Arctic Frontiers’ "Open Arctic" events at UiT - the Arctic University of Norway.


Read more from UiT (English)

Read more from UiT (Norwegian)


Organized by the CAS reserach project Artic Domestication in the era of the Anthropocene.