Quantifying mixing and reaction in 2D systems, gearing towards 3D systems

This is the third workshop for the Young CAS project "Mixing by Interfaces", led by Gaute Linga.
Day 1: Monday, 21 October 2024
09:00-10:00 Arrival, coffee and greetings
10:00-11:00 Welcome and overview, summary of main results and decisions from the first two gatherings, by Young CAS PI Gaute Linga
11:00-12:00 Talk 1 (30+30), Marcel Moura
12:00-13:00 Lunch
13:00-14:00 Talk 2 (30+30), Guillem Sole-Mari
14:00-15:00 Talk 3 (30+30), Tomás Aquino
15:00-17:00 Open discussion
19:00 Dinner at Sabi Sushi
Day 2: Tuesday, 22 October 2024
09:00-10:00 Arrival, coffee and informal discussions
10:00-11:00 Talk 4 (30+30), Tanguy Le Borgne
11:00-12:00 Talk 5 (30+30), Kevin Pierce
12:00-13:00 Lunch
13:00-14:00 Talk 6 (30+30), Manuel Maeritz
14:00-15:00 Talk 7 (30+30), Alexandre Puyguiraud
15:00-17:00 Open discussion
17:00 Field trip + workshop dinner at Skur 33
Day 3: Wednesday, 23 October 2024
09:00-10:00 Arrival, coffee and informal discussions
10:00-12:00 Open discussion: preliminary summary of the two first days. What do we need to assess hypotheses?
12:00-13:00 Lunch
13:00-18:00 Work together on:
- Analysing simulations of a single invasion event
- Test our theoretical model against that, and potentially against experimental data
Day 4: Thursday, 24 October 2024
09:00-10:00 Arrival, coffee and informal discussions
10:00-12:00 Work together: Set up flow simulation cases, compare methods, process experimental data
12:00-13:00 Lunch
13:00-16:00 Work together cont.
16:00-18:00 Open discussion and summary
20:00 Pizza at Pizzeria della Monte Pittura?
Day 5: Friday, 25 October 2024
09:00-10:00 Arrival, coffee and informal discussions
10:00-12:00 Work together on:
- Setting up and analysing simulations of the full 2D problem
- Parameter ranges and system sizes for simulations and experiments
12:00-13:00 Lunch
13:00-16:00 Summary of Gathering 3: New questions, goals and progress
- Responsibilities and division of labour before next meeting
- Additional experimental/numerical needs?
16:00-17:00 Closing remarks and departure