
Opening Conference APHIOG

Asset Pricing with Heterogenous Investors in Overlapping Generations


Monday, 19 August 2024             

08:50-09:00       Opening remarks: Paul Ehling (BI Norwegian Business School)

09:00-10:00       Keynote: Roger Farmer (Warwick & UCLA): Overlapping Generations Models with Complete Markets

10:00-11:00       Larry Schmidt (MIT): Nondiversifiable Risk, Self-insurance, and Asset Demand at the Top of the Wealth Distribution

11:00-11:20       Short break, coffee, tea and snacks

11:20-12:20       Stavros Panageas (UCLA): Discounting Aggregate-growth-indexed Securities

12:20-13:00       Lunch

13:00-14:00       Christian Heyerdahl-Larsen (BI Norwegian Business School): Beliefs-driven Stock Market Participation

14:00-15:00       Nicolae Gârleanu (Washington University): Finance in a Time of Disruptive Growth

15:00-15:20       Short break, coffee, tea and snacks

15:20-16:05       Zeshu Xu (BI Norwegian Business School): Demographics and Technology Adoption

16:05-16:50       Wei Wang (Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen): Asset Prices with Belief Selection