Open seminar: Building Times: Architecture and Material Memory

Friday October 14, Torgeir Rinke Bangstad will give the paper "Building Times: Architecture and Material Memory". The seminar is organised in an informal, colloquial style and is open to all interested.

Torgeir Rinke Bangstad is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Department of Archaeology and Social Anthropology, Univeristy of Tromsø - The Arctic University of Norway, and is member of the Object Matters project (​

Bangstad earned his PhD in cultural heritage studies at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in 2014. His doctoral thesis explores the ramifications of industrial decline in three different Western European contexts (South Wales, Dortmund and Odda), focusing on different responses within heritage preservation to ruins, idle production sites and scarred landscapes that persist long after the collapse of industries.

His current research project is entitled “Rebuilt homes, reassembled heritage: Reconstruction housing at the Norwegian Museum of Cultural History”. In this project, Bangstad explores the memory and materiality of a reconstruction house in Finnmark, Norway, which will be disassembled, moved and reconstructed for ex situ conservation at the Norwegian Museum of Cultural History in Oslo.

This seminar takes place in the Turret room (top floor) at CAS, at the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters (Drammensveien 78) and starts at 14:15.