From meaning to sense: Moving matters between intentionality and impulse
The CAS research group After Discourse: Things, Archaeology, and Heritage in the 21st Century welcomes you to its Friday seminar at CAS.
Lars Frers is Professor of Social Studies at University College of Southeast Norway’s Notodden campus, where he has been employed since 2012. His graduate degrees are from Germany (Dipl.Soz. at FU Berlin and Dr.phil. at TU Darmstadt).
Frers’ research explores the role of materiality in establishing social control, with one focus area being qualitative methods and participation and the other being heritage and the senses. He was guest editor for the special issue "Absence: Materiality, Embodiment, Resistance" in the journal Cultural Geographies (2013, with Erika Sigvardsdotter and Lars Meier). His most recent publication is Confronting absence: Relation and difference in the affective qualities of heritage sites in Heritage, democracy and the public: Nordic approaches (Guttormsen & Swensen 2016).
He is currently exploring how things, bodies and the senses set each other into motion and how this can be translated into social theory without getting lost in language.
Open to all interested
The seminar is organised in an informal, colloquial style and is open to all interested.