CAS event

Jubilee seminar in Tromsø

As part of the CAS jubilee year 2017/18, the Centre invites our partner institutions to celebrate fellows and to encourage scholars to apply for a stay, by shedding some light on fundamental research.


16:15     Opening by Professor Vigdis Broch-Due, Scientific Director of CAS Oslo.

16:45     Presentation by Professor Bjørnar Julius Olsen,

17:00     Refreshments


After the program, the opening of the exhibition Arv (‘Heritage’) will take place at Tromsø University Museum. The exhibition is by the research project Unruly Heritage: An Archaeology of the Anthropocene, led by Professor Bjørnar Julius Olsen.

To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the University of Tromsø and the 25th anniversary of the Centre for Advanced Study, Rector Anne Husebekk and Professor Vigdis Broch-Due will open the exhibition.