
Interplays of policy, science and population in the field of air pollution

This final workshop marks the end of the Airborne project's period at the Centre for Advanced Study (CAS).

One overarching theme in Airborne: Pollution, Climate Change, and New Visions of Sustainability in China has been to explore the interface and interplay between science, policy and population in face of air pollution in China. In this final workshop, we will address this issue both through short presentations of concrete case studies and research findings from Airborne, and by means of more general, overarching discussions about the interconnectedness of policy, science and population.


The workshop is open to all interested. If you would like to attend, please register by sending an email to by the 18th of June. Upon registration, please specify if you would like to have lunch on one or both days, and let us know if you are a vegetarian / vegan or if you have any allergies.


Arrival: Sunday 25 June in Hotel Gabelshus, Gabels gate 16 (18:00 dinner for invited speakers and Airborne members in Hotel Gabelshus)



9:30-9:45             Vigdis Broch-Due, Scientific Director at CAS, and Mette Halskov Hansen, Project Manager of Airborne: Welcome


Ambient air pollution science and governance

Chair: Rune


9:45-10:45           Hao Jiming: Air pollution and science-policy cooperation in China

10:45-11:00        Coffee break

11:00-11:30        Shi Yao and He Yi: Actions for cleaner air by local governments and agencies in Zhejiang

11:30-12:30        Kim Fortun: Studying air pollution governance in ten cities: Theory, tactics, findings

12:30-13:30        Lunch

13:30-14:00        Anna L. Ahlers and Shen Yongdong: China's effective local air pollution regulation: pluralisation without democratization


Household air pollution matters

Chair: Bryan


14:00-15:00        Kirk Smith: Household air pollution and policy recommendations: The case of India

15:00-15:30        Wang Shuxiao: Impacts of household coal and biomass combustion on indoor and ambient air quality in China


18:00     Dinner at Hotel Gabelshus (invited speakers and Airborne participants)



Household air pollution matters (continued...)

Chair: Anna

09:00-09:30        Kristin Aunan: The role of household energy for population exposure and equitable air pollution policies

09:30-10:00        Rune Svarverud: Fresh and foul air - historical perspectives on household air pollution

10:00-10:15        Coffee break


Communicating (air pollution) science


10:15-11:15        Isabel Hilton: ChinaDialogue – Communicating science in China

11:15-11:45        Edwin Schmitt and Li Hongtao: The obscurity of post-truth: Truthiness and environmental protest in Chengdu, China

11:45-12:45        Lunch


Sociotechnical imaginaries and perceptions of air pollution

Chair: Hongtao 


12:45-13:45        Sheila Jasanoff: Invisible, imaginable, and harmful: Making air pollution in the 21st Century

13:45-14:15        Bryan Tilt: Urban perceptions – survey from Tangshan

14:15-14:45        Coffee break

14:45-15:15        Hans Henrik Moe: There's something in the fog: Urban perceptions of ambient air pollution

15:15-15:45        Mette Halskov Hansen and Liu Zhaohui: Ecological Civilization and rural air pollution

15:45-16:00        Thoughts... conclusions... ways ahead...


18:00     Dinner at Hotel Gabelshus (invited speakers and Airborne participants)