
FricFrac Conference 2024


Friction and Fracture 

and the Onset of Geohazards


Invited Speakers

  • Ian Hewitt, University of Oxford, UK
  • Greg Beroza, Standford University, US
  • Thorne Lay, University of California, Santa Cruz, US
  • Heather Savage, University of California, Santa Cruz, US
  • Jessica Hawthorne, University of Oxford, UK
  • Dan Faulkner, University of Liverpool, UK
  • Jay Fineberg, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, ISR
  • Nadia Lapusta, California Institute of Technology, US
  • Marie Violay, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, CH
  • Andrea Tommasi, University of Montpellier, FR
  • Yehuda Ben-Zion, University of Southern California, US
  • Jean-Francois Molinari, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, CH
  • Georg Dresen, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, GER
  • Michel Campillo, Grenoble Alpes University, FR
  • Karen Daniels, North California State University, US
  • Chris Marone, Sapienza University of Rome, ITL
  • Vala Hjörleifsdóttir, Reykjavik University, ISL
  • Wenlu Zhu, University of Maryland, US
  • Åke Fagereng, Cardiff University, UK
  • Olivier Gagliardini, Grenoble Alpes University, FR



Day 1: Monday, 17 June 2024             

09:00-09:10       Welcome & coffee

09:10-09:25       Introduction: FricFrac Conference by François Renard (University of Oslo)


Part 1 Mechanics of Earthquakes

Chair: Marthe Guren

09:25-09:55       Greg Beroza (Stanford University, US): Constraints on faulting from a clearer view of small earthquake activity

10:05-10:35       Thorne Lay (University of California, Santa Cruz, US): Resolving the up-dip limit of coseismic slip in large subduction zone thrust earthquakes

10:45-10:55       Coffee break

10:55-11:25       Yehuda Ben-Zion (University of Southern California, US): Coupled evolution of earthquakes, faults, and ground motion

11:35-12:05       Michel Campillo (Grenoble Alpes University, FR): About tremors, damage and slow slip

12:15-13:00       Lunch break


Part 2 Glacier and Landslide Instabilities

Chair: Andreas Aspaas 

13:00-13:30       Karen Daniels (North Carolina State University, US): Granular failure from micro- to meso- to macro-scale

13:40-14.10       Ian Hewitt (University of Oxford, UK): Friction at the base of glaciers

14:20-14:30       Coffee break

14:30-14:50       Olivier Gagliardini (Grenoble Alpes University, FR): Glacier basal friction law inferred from finite element modelling

15:00-15:20       Thomas Schuler (University of Oslo, NO): A field approach to study hydro-mechanical conditions at the base of glaciers

15:30-15:40       Coffee break


Part 3 Physics of Fracture, Friction, and Creep

Chair: Sascha Zertani

15:40-16:10       Nadia Lapusta (California Institute of Technology, US): Rate-and-state-based modeling of slow slip events 

16.20-16:40       Erina Prastyani  (University of Oslo, NO): Brittle and ductile failure mode in rocks

16:50-17:10       François Renard (University of Oslo, NO): Using X-rays to unravel fast and slow earthquake processes

17:20-17:50       Ellen Karin Mæhlum (visual artist and printmaker based in Oslo, NO): Art Showcase 

17:50    End of day 1


Day 2: Tuesday, 18 June 2024             

09:00-09:10       Welcome and coffee

Part 3 (con't) Physics of Fracture, Friction, and Creep

Chair: Hugo Van Schrojenstein Lantman

09:10-09:40       Marie Violay (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, CH): Permeability Evolution and Strain Partitioning at the Brittle to Ductile Transition: Implications for Deep Crustal Earthquakes and Geothermal Energy

09:50-10:20       Jean-Francois Molinari (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, CH): Richness and complexity of slip modes at a frictional interface

10:30-10:40       Coffee break

10:40-11:10       Jay Fineberg (Hebrew University of Jerusalem, ISR): The fundamental physics of the onset of frictional motion: How do laboratory earthquakes nucleate?

11:20-11:50       Georg Dresen (GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, GER): Precursory deformation and earthquake nucleation – laboratory results

12:00-13:00       Lunch break

13:00-13:30       Chris Marone (La Sapienza Universita di Roma, ITL): Learning from lab earthquake prediction and precursors to labquakes: Application of machine learning to earthquake physics

13:40-14:00       Wenlu Zhu (University of Maryland, US): Energy criterion for rate-and-state frictional instability

14:10-14:30       Fabian Barras (University of Oslo, NO): Less is more: Can minimal models of friction illuminate the dynamics of earthquake ruptures?

14:40-15:00       Coffee break


Part 4 Flow in Complex Media

Chair: Kristina Dunkel

15:00-15:30       Vala Hjörleifsdóttir (University of Reykjavik, IS): Controlling induced seismicity – contradicting examples from geothermal operations in Hengill, Iceland

15:40-16:00       Olivier Galland (University of Oslo, NO): Fracturing inside and outside igneous intrusions: implications for fluid flow

16:10-16:30       Eirik Flekkøy (University of Oslo, NO): Tension and cavitation dynamics between two separating surfaces

16:40-17:00       Gaute Linga (University of Oslo, NO): Mixing by interfaces

17:10-17:20       Open discussion

17:20    End of day 2


Day 3: Wednesday, 19 June 2024       

09:00-09:10       Welcome and coffee

Part 5 Microstructures controls on deformation processes

Chair: Stephen Michalchuk

09:10-09:40       Jessica Hawthorne (University of Oxford, UK): Testing dilatancy as a mechanism for slow earthquakes

09:50-10:20       Heather Savage (University of California, Santa Cruz, US): Earthquake temperature and shear localization in the rock record

10:30-10:50       Luca Menegon (University of Oslo, NO): Earthquake induced residual stresses preserved in fault rocks exhumed from the lower crust

10:50-11:00       Coffee break

11:00-11:20       Joanna Dziadkowiec (University of Oslo, NO): Nanoscale forces between mineral surfaces in aqueous solutions and their implications for intergranular cohesion

11:30-11:50       Åke Fagereng (Cardiff University, UK): Pore pressure effects on friction and fracture

12:00-13:00       Lunch break


Part 5 (con't) Microstructures controls on deformation processes

Chair: Fabian Barras

13:00-13:30       Dan Faulkner (University of Liverpool, UK): Factors affecting the stability of friction on faults

13:40-14:10       Andrea Tommasi (University of Montpellier, FR): From microstructural heterogeneity to macro- and mesoscale shear zones: A recipe for ductile strain localization

14:20-14:30       Coffee break

14:30-14:50       Jean Baptiste Jacob (University of Oslo, NO): Exploring the internal stress and strain state of rocks using advanced synchrotron x-ray diffraction techniques

15:00-15:10       Coffee break

15:10-15:30       Luiza Angheluta (University of Oslo, NO): From solid crystals to soft tissues: how topological defects control deformations and flows

15:40-16:00       Anders Malthe-Sørenssen (University of Oslo, NO): Friction modeled with molecular dynamics and machine learning potential 

16:10-16:30       Concluding remarks by François Renard (University of Oslo, Norway)

16:30-17:30       Open discussion

17:30-20:00       Free time

20:00    Conference Dinner at Restaurant Solsiden


Logos of partners: CAS, Njord, UiO, ERC, and NFR.