
Ethics & things

Workshop by the CAS research group After Discourse: Things, Archaeology, and Heritage in the 21st Century.



10.15-10.45        Vigdis Broch-Due, director of CAS: Welcome

Bjørnar Olsen, UiT-The Arctic University of Norway/CAS: Introduction


10.45-11.45        Lucas Introna: The ethos of those who have nothing in common.


11.45-13.15        Lunch at Gabelshus Hotel (Gabels gate 16)


13.15-14.15        Caitlin DeSilvey: Other Objects and the Ethics of Indifference


14.15-15.15        Tim LeCain:  Three Thousand Dead Snow Geese: Towards a Post-Anthropocentric Ethic.


15.15-15.30        Tea/coffee


15.30-16.30        Ingar Figenschau: The heritage of war and the discourse of sustainability.


19.00                  Dinner (restaurant to be announced)



09.30-10.30        Silvia BensoBodies of Water: Levinas’s Hydrodynamic Ethics.


10.30-11.30        Þóra Pétursdóttir: Ethics in drift.


11.30-13.00        Lunch at Gabelshus hotel


13.00-14.00        Sven Ouzman: Archaeology and Artefacts in the Anthropocene: Between the dead hand of the past and the high intentions of the future.


14.00-15.00        Alfredo González Ruibal: One single catastrophe: ethics, jurisdiction, archaeology


15.00-15.15        Tea/coffee


15.15-16.30        General discussion


19.00                  Dinner (restaurant to be announced)


Are you interested in attending?

If you are interested in attending this workshp, contact Þóra Pétursdóttir: