Workshop: Complex Physical Phenomena in Materials

2nd International Workshop on Complex Physical Phenomena in Materials. Arranged by the CAS research project Complex Matter Science.

We were 53 participants at the meeting, where 6 CAS fellows gave oral presentations (E.
Altshuler, P. Dommersnes, Y. Meheust, W. Ortiz, R. Pynn, A. T. Skjeltorp). In addition, many
invited talks were presented, e.g., by Prof. Sergio Rezende, former Brazil Minister of Science and
Technology, and present co Editor of the prestigious journal The Physical Review X. Full
information about the event is found in the pair of published books: Abstracts from the 2nd
International Workshop on Complex Physical Phenomena in Materials, ISBN 978 82 93224 04 4,
and Proceedings from the 2nd International Workshop …, ISBN 978 82 93224 06 8, both edited
by J. O. Fossum and G. L. Vasconcelos.