Whole-Entity Classifiers in Sign Languages: A Multiperspective Approach

This meeting is held by our Young CAS Fellow Vadim Kimmelman (UiB).
For invited participants only.
The workshop is devoted to discussing ongoing research on two issues concerning classifier predicates: the choice of classifier handshape in case of synonymous classifiers, and the meaning contribution of the components of classifier predicates.
25 October - Presentations on the choice of classifier handshape
Vadim Kimmelman: Classifier choice in the corpus of Sign Language of the Netherlands
Ben Anible: Classifier choice in the corpus of Norwegian Sign Language
Jenia Khristoforova: Classifier choice in the corpus of Russian Sign Language
Pia Simper-Allen: Classifier choice in the corpus of Swedish Sign Language
Giorgia Zorzi: Classifier choice in the corpus of Catalan Sign Language
Beyza Sümer: Classifier choice in children acquiring Turkish Sign Language
26 October - Discussion and research on corpus data extraction
Morning session: Discussion of methods of studying classifier choice in corpus data
Afternoon session: Collaborative research using open-access corpus data from several sign languages
27 October - Designing an experiment to study semantics of classifier predicates
Vadim Kimmelman & Jacopo Romoli: A proposal for a semantic experiment
Brainstorming session on experimental design.
- Read more about the YCF project: Whole-Entity Classifiers in Sign Languages: A Multiperspective Approach
- See also: Meet the Young CAS Fellows for 2022-23: Vadim Kimmelman