
Unconventional Model Animals in Food & Health

Two-day workshop arranged by Bjørg T. Egelandsdal and the CAS research project The Ecology of Food Perception. The program was as follows:

  • Egelandsdal, B: Welcome, brief introductions, program information.
  • Buffenstein, R: The naked mole rat — an exotic model for healthy aging.
  • Tranulis, M.A: Goat naturally devoid of prion protein ‐ a spontaneous model for prion research.
  • Wold. A.B: Plant phytochemicals ‐ the answer to healthy ageing?
  • Münch, D: Negligible or rapid senescence? Honey bees teach us about the pace of aging.
  • Sokolowski, M: From flies, bees, ants, to human‐genetics of food behaviour.
  • Matthews. L.:Socialness and obesity.
  • Moe, L: Dog as a model for metabolic syndrome and cancer.
  • Boysen, P: A lifestyle model offering co‐habitation with wild‐caught mice in a natural
  • environment.
  • Amdam, G: Group discussion.
  • Chen, D: Interesting models for understanding human obesity and ageing.
  • Kulseng, B: Interesting models for understanding human obesity.
  • Oostindjer, M: Closing remarks.