
Time is space thus far

Laura Janda and Tore Nesset from the CAS research project Time is Space: Unconscious Models and Conscious Acts organized informal seminars where group members and invited speakers presented work in progress. The seminars were open for “outsiders”, and colleagues from the University of Oslo were invited to attend:

  • Vladimir Plungian: “The byti + participle construction in Old Slavic”
  • Tore Nesset and Anastasia Makarova “Time-Space Asymmetries: The Case of v ‘in’”
  • Henning Andersen: “What Slavic can do for English”
  • Ekaterina Rakhilina and Vladimir Plungian: “Speed crosslinguistically”
  • Anna Endresen and Vladimir Plungian: “What is Russian vstat’ made of?”
  • Anna Endresen: “O(b)/About temporal adverbials”