
In Sync

This colloquium is the final event of the CAS project In Sync: How Synchronisation and Mediation Produce Collective Times, Then and Now.

The first and third days’ sessions will be held at the Norwegian Academy of Sciences and Letters, while Day 2 takes place at Auditorium 2, Georg Sverdrup's house, Blindern campus.

The colloquium features a series of pre-constituted panels each dedictated to a common theme in research on time, history and the media - among them,  'The expanding present',  'Limits of time', 'Temporal emotions and affects', and 'Knowledge and Time'.

Keynote addresses will be given by Kristin Asdal, John Durham Peters, and Bernhard Siegert.


27 May:

The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters


9.00 - 9.30     Welcome by CAS's Scientific Director Camilla Serck-Hanssen, and project leaders Helge Jordheim and Espen Ytreberg


9.45 - 11.15      Panel: The Expanding Present

For Augustine the present was nothing but a border between the past and the future. Today it has become a “monstrous” (Hartog) thing that spreads out and seems to eclipse everything that goes before and comes after it. The panel explores that specific configuration of time and media we call the present.

  • Thomas Hylland Eriksen CAS & University of Oslo
  • Anne Danielsen University of Oslo
  • Staffan Ericson CAS & Södertörn University College
  • Espen Ytreberg CAS & University of Oslo


11.15 - 12.00     Lunch


12.15 - 13.30     Keynote: John Durham Peters Yale University: Media of Synchronization (such as Novels, Newspapers, Statistics, and Weather Reports)


13.45 - 15.15     Panel: Time Control/Control Time

Time is a tool we use to structure and control our own life, and to synchronize it with the lives of other people. But time is also an uncontrollable force, for example in everyday life, aging and climate change. This panel sets out to discuss the critical tensions between these two versions of time, the powers and limits of synchronization work for retaining control.

  • Bodhisattva Chattopadhyay CAS & University of Oslo
  • John Seberger University of California, Irvine
  • Stefan Tanaka CAS & University of California, San Diego


15.30 - 17.00     Panel: Out Of Sync

Clocks can be out of sync, so can dancers, soldiers, or marching bands. But what about cultures or societies? What about forms of communication and expression, or material objects? This panel discusses what out-of-syncness means, and whether it presupposes that something always is in sync, at the height of the times, at the cusp of history.

  • Ina Blom University of Oslo
  • Peter Bjerregaard Univeristy of Oslo & Museum of Cultural History
  • Zoltan Simon University of Bielefeld
  • Alp Eren Topal University of Oslo


28 May:

Auditorium 2, Georg Sverdrup's house, Blindern campus


9.00 - 10.15      Keynote: Kristin Asdal University of Oslo: The little tools of timing: Co-modifying nature-times with democratic times


10.30 - 12.00     Panel: Limits of Time

We tend to think that nothing exists outside of time. Even myths unfold in illo tempore, whenever that might be. But can we imagine time beginning, or stopping? What happens then? The panel explores the temporal imaginary of an outside-of-time, or after-time, or even a standstill.

  • Brita Brenna University of Oslo
  • Stine Alling Jacobsen CAS & University of Oslo
  • Chris Lorenz Ruhr University Bochum


12.00 - 12.45     Lunch


12.45 - 14.15     Panel: Past/Future

History is a nexus of past, present, and future, locked in constant struggle for dominance. Who is winning depends not least on who has imagination on their side. The panel will explore these imaginaries, in which utopian and dystopian futures abound, many of them driven by technologies of representation, alongside glorious pasts, filled with beauty and courage. Between them, the present emerges as place for actions and decisions.

  • Lucian Hölscher CAS & Ruhr University Bochum
  • Eivind Røssaak National Library of Norway
  • Leonoor Zuiderveen Borgesius CAS & University of Oslo


14.30 - 16.00     Panel: Temporal Emotions and Affects

Whatever time is, it is also an emotion or an affect - an anxiety about being late, a nostalgia for the past, or dreams about time’s fullness. Event-time can cause a shock. In this panel, the participants will probe the different emotions and affects linked to temporal experiences, and how they are used for purposes of mobilization and control.

  • Anders Ekström Uniuveristy of Uppsala
  • Margrit Pernau Max Planck Institute, Berlin
  • Christian Refsum University of Oslo
  • Helge Jordheim CAS & University of Oslo


16.15 - 17.45      Panel: Lifetimes Toward Death

Different forms of life have different times. In most cases, we do not realize how different they are until these lives approach their ending - in other words, when they approach death. Human aging, species extinction, epidemic events, or military violence affect lives at very different speeds and rhythms. This panel investigates how lifetimes become visible and change when life itself becomes precarious.

  • Rana Issa CAS & American University of Beirut
  • Hugo Reinert University of Oslo
  • Einar Wigen CAS & University of Oslo


29 May:

The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters


9.00 - 10.15     Keynote: Bernhard Siegert Bauhaus University, Weimar: Historical time, macro time, real time: Media and Presence


10.30 - 12.00     Panel: Knowledge and Time

How can we know anything about time? And what are the most relevant ways of knowing? This broadly interdisciplinary panel thinks about theories and methods, places and spaces, experiments and inquiries, by means of which knowledge about time is generated.

  • Geoffrey Bowker CAS & University of California, Irvine
  • Sine Halkjelsvik Bjordal University of Oslo
  • Jørgen Sugar & Emilie Ranheim Skytøen Norwegian University of Science and Technology
  • Alexander Jensenius Univeristy of Oslo


12.00 - 13.00     Closing remarks

13.00 - 14.00     Lunch and departures