CAS event

Researcher Relay Race: From antibiotic resistance to the bear's existence

As part of Forskningsdagene 2017, six researchers form various fields will get 12 minutes each to share their research and its value in a short and interesting presentation. The themes will vary from air pollution in China and antibiotic resistance, to nature and vikings.

Dag O. Hessen is a professor of biology at the University of Oslo (UiO). He will share with us his appreciation for nature from a scientific point of view. There are many forms of value in nature, and Hessen will spend his time telling us about them.

Mette Halskov Hansen is a professor at the University of Oslo (UiO), mainly in China studies. She asks: How and why are values related to environment, economic development, and personal freedom in China challenged and changed? She will try to answer this during her presentation.

Jon Swenson is a professor of biology at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU). He will take the opportunity to talk to us about the relationship between people, bears, and blueberries. How does the interference of humans affect the reciprocal dependency of the bear and the blueberries?

Jessica Lönn-Stensrud is a microbiologist and biochemist, and is currently coordinator of the Turning the Tide on Anti-Microbial Resistance (TTA) at Oslo University Hospital. Antibiotic resistance is on the rise, and this brings with it challenges for implants and infections. Can today's young scientists find a solution?

Ebrahim Afsah is an associate professor of international law at the University of Copenhagen (KU). He asks: Why did the Arab Spring fail? He will try to answer this when presenting his research on the formation and decline of institutions from a comparative perspective.

Hans Jacob Orning is a professor of history at the University of Oslo (UiO). In his presentation, he poses the question: Why are vikings important? The Viking Age is a frequent source of inspiration in popular culture, but why are the vikings so popular, and what do we make of the term? Orning will talk about the significance of vikings for Norway's national heritage, but also their role as an entrance to foreign society and people.

Common to all researchers is that they have, or have had, residencies at CAS Oslo. You can read more about their research projects on our website.

As part of Forskningsdagene 2017, the relay will be held in Norwegian.


For information in Norwegian, visit Forskningsdagene 2017's web page.

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