
Regional specialists

At the third workshop in April 2009 only CAS-group member presented papers. The intention was to present preliminary results to renowned colleagues, who were familiar with the data and problems at hand, in order to get an early ‘peer-review’ of the project. Invited discussants were:

  • Prof. Hugh Beach, Dpt. of Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology, University of Uppsala, Sweden
  • Prof. Kjel Knutsson, Dpt. of Archaeology and Ancient History, University of Uppsala, Sweden
  • Prof. Håkan Rydving, Dpt. of Archaeology, History, Cultural studies and Religion, University of Bergen, Norway
  • Prof. Pekka Sammallahti, Giellagas Institute, University of Oulu, Finland

oOganized by Charlotte Damm, groupleader of the CAS research project Early Networking in Northern Fennoscandia