Jubilee seminar in Tromdheim

As part of the CAS jubilee year 2017/18, the Centre invites our partner institutions to celebrate fellows and to encourage scholars to apply for a stay, by shedding some light on fundamental research.


16:30     Opening by Professor Vigdis Broch-Due, Scientific Director of CAS Oslo.

17:00     Presentations by CAS fellows from NTNU:

  • Professor Gunhild Setten, Department of Geography - CAS fellow 2002/03
  • Researcher Frode Fossøy, Department of Biology - CAS fellow 2009/10
  • Professor Kristian Seip, Department of Mathematical Sciences - CAS fellow 2012/13
  • Professor Terje Lohndal, Department of Language and Literature - CAS fellow 2019/20


18:00     Refreshment break


18:30     Panel discussion: Fundamental Research at NTNU.

Moderator: Professor Vigdis Broch-Due

  • Dr. Magnus Steigedal, Director of NTNU’s Thematic Strategic Area of Health, Welfare and Technology
  • Professor Bjørn Kåre Myskja, Vice Dean of Research, Faculty of Humanities
  • Professor Ingelin Steinsland, Vice Dean of Research, Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
  • Professor Tor Grande, Vice Dean of Research, Faculty of Natural Sciences


19:30     Music: Jazz quartet from NTNU