
Growing Concerns: Plants and Contemporary Archaeology

Friday April 28, Stein Farstadvoll will give the paper Growing Concerns: Plants and Contemporary Archaeology. The seminar is open to all interested.

The CAS research project After Discourse: Things, Archaeology, and Heritage in the 21st Century has invited Stein Farstadvoll to give the paper Growing Concerns: Plants and Contemporary Archaeology.

About Farstadvoll

Stein Farstadvoll is a PhD student in archaeology in the Department of Archaeology at UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø.

Stein's interests within archaeology include archaeological and object oriented theory, archaeology of the contemporary past and archaeological reconstructions. The project title for his PhD project is “The abject heritage of the contemporary world: an archaeological investigation of unwanted and neglected things”.

The aim of this project is to explore things that are overlooked or deemed irrelevant in the frame of contemporary heritage values and perception of cultural legacy. One of the case studies involves the abandoned 19th century park Retiro in the city of Molde on the northwestern coast of Norway.

The Retiro property is marked for future redevelopment and restoration, making the present dilapidated park and villa an interesting case for exploring things that fall outside the usual concerns of cultural heritage management and urban development.

This case study is also the focus of his talk at CAS.​