
Global and Local Consequences of Airborne Pollution in China

The CAS project "Airborne: Pollution, Climate Change, and Visions of Sustainability in China" welcomes you to its opening seminar. This event requires online registration.

Air pollution in China has profound consequences for economy, international relations, climate, and – not the least – people’s lives. This one-day seminar will gather some of the most renowned and creative scholars working on China’s (air) pollution and its global relevance.


09:00-09:15Coffee / Tea 
09:15-09:45Welcome and a brief introduction to Airborne 

Vigdis Broch-Due, Scientific Director at Centre for Advanced Study

Mette Halskov Hansen, University of Oslo


"The atmosphere in the anthropocene"

"Air pollution in Zhejiang and efforts of local agencies"

Frode Stordal, University of Oslo

He Yi, Zhejiang University

10:45-11:00Coffee / Tea 

"A disaster in slow motion: A history of air pollution in global context"

Short intervention from Airborne researcher

Stephen Mosley, Leeds Beckett University

Rune Svarverud, University of Oslo


"Reflections on the fog and haze politics in China"

Short intervention from Airborne researcher

Huan Qingzhi, Peking University

Anna Ahlers, University of Oslo

14:00-14:15Coffee / Tea 

"Bridging Research Cultures on China’s Environment: A View from the Natural and Applied Sciences"

Short interventions from Airborne researchers

Chris Nielsen, Harvard University

Kristin Aunan and Mette Halskov Hansen, University of Oslo

 The way ahead
Mette Halskov Hansen
16:30 Refreshments / buffet 


The seminar is organized by the CAS research project Airborne: Pollution, Climate Change, and Visions of Sustainability in China that studies human aspects of air pollution from a variety of academic perspectives. The project involves scholars from anthropology, China studies, media science, political science and chemistry, and from August 2016 the project will be based for one year at the Centre for Advanced Study (CAS), Oslo.

Open event

The seminar is our opening event at CAS and we welcome anybody interested in the environment and China’s global influence.

Click here to register for the seminar. The registration deadline is September 5th 2016.

This event takes place at the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters.