Food Science - Innovation - Marketing - What are needed skills in tomorrow’s professionals?
Seminar arranged by Bjørg Egelandsdal, groupleader of the CAS reserach project The Ecology of Food Perception.
- Devold, T. & Egelandsdal, B. Opening remarks
- Alfnes, F. HH‐NMBU Ås: what is the department’s vision for the future?
- Rukke et al. IKBM‐ NMBU ÅS: What is the department’s vision for the future? The Pilot plant: today, planned changes and the option for new uses strengthening NMBU’s education and science.
- Aschemann‐Witzel, J. Århus University‐ MAPP: (Social) marketing as a consumer‐rooted
- approach. Definitions and cases within new consumer trends.
- Skuland, S. SIFO: Product development vs consumer demands: what comes first?
- Van Kleef, E. Wageningen University: What is Marketing and Consumer group’s vision?
- Veflen Olsen, N. Nofima: Vision for the future of food‐ new skills needed.