
Diversity in Multilingual Experience as a Model to Study Neural Plasticity

Project illustration depicting a model of brain plasticity. Illustrated by Camilla K. Elmar / CAS.

This is the first workshop for the Young CAS project "Diversity in Multilingual Experience as a Model to Study Neural Plasticity", led by Vincent DeLuca.

17th October

Morning Session

Session focus: Laying out the hypothesis space/Overview of bilingualism and neurocognitive outcomes


Afternoon session

Session focus: Neural Plasticity as a mechanism across the lifespan


18th October

Morning session

Session focus: Lifetime of experiences giving rise to brain adaptation


Afternoon session

Session focus: Ways of theoretically conceiving of- and testing some aspects of bilingualism-induced brain plasticity


19th October

Morning Session

Session focus: Consolidation- coming back to the Central questions- what do we know now/can we use to inform our own theories