
Conflict and (dis)order

Conflict is normally associated with disorder. A society ridden by conflicts is a society in crisis. But is this necessarily so? Are all conflicts destructive? And is it possible to envisage a societal order without conflicts?

This seminar will bring together scholars who have worked with conflicts in medieval and modern societies. Our goal is to illuminate and discuss the role of conflicts in a variety of settings, and to ask whether medieval and modern conflicts – and societies – share some common characteristics. 


Session one: Conflict and (dis)order
1215-1230: Introduction by professor Vigdis Broch-Due, scientific director of CAS Oslo, and professor Jon Vidar Sigurdsson (chair)
1230-1300: Professor Henrik Vigh, København: Conflict and (dis)order in Guinea-Bissau
1300-1330: Professor Gerd Althoff, Münster: Conflict and (dis)order in
medieval Germany
1330-1410: discussion
1410-1445: break with coffee and cake

Session two: What is war? What is peace?
(chair professor Hans Jacob Orning)
1445-1515: Professor Øyvind Østerud, Oslo: What is war?
1515-1545: Ass Professor Jenny Benham, Cardiff: What is peace?
1545-1630: discussion and summing up

1630-1800: Wine reception