Conference: Time and Space in St.Petersburg

Time and Space in St. Petersburg. Conference in St. Petersburg organized by the CAS research project Time is Space: Unconscious Models and Conscious Acts  in collaboration with the Norwegian University Center (St. Petersburg).


  • Mark Turner: Compressions of Time & Space
  • Elena Grishina: O peredače vremennyx značenij žestikuljacii
  • Andrej Kibrik: Space in Alaska: Cognitive variations on Upper Kuskokwim
  • Athabaskan
  • Ekaterina Rakhilina & Alexander Letuchiy: Time and place in adverbial space
  • Olga Lyashevskaya: Vremja upotreblenija, prostranstvo form: dvižemsja ili
  • dvigaemsja?
  • Henning Andersen: Old Church Slavonic aspect: Time and space
  • Stephen M. Dickey: Neo-Aorists in Old Czech Correspondence?
  • Östen Dahl: How telicity creates time
  • Laura A. Janda, Hanne M. Eckhoff & Tore Nesset: How did verbs behave in Old
  • Church Slavonic? A study of grammatical and constructional profiles
  • Vladimir Plungian & Aleksandr Pechyonyj: Perfektivacija bytijnyx glagolov kak
  • tipologičeskaja problema
  • Tatiana Chernigovskaya & Daria Chernova: Processing of past tense forms in
  • different lexical contexts: an eye-tracking study
  • Time is space group: How here and now in English and Russian establish joint
  • attention in TV news broadcasts 
  • Maria Voeikova: L1 acquisition of aspectual contrasts in Russian imperative
  • utterances
  • Anastasia Makarova: Attenuation in space and time: theRussian prefixes pri- and
  • pod-
  • Elena Gorbova: Suffiksal’naja imperfektivacija russkogo glagola: tendencii razvitija
  • Ekaterina Rakhilina & Vladimir Plungian: Predlog pod v prostranstvennyx I
  • vremennyx konstrukcijax
  • Julia Kuznetsova: Time in noun phrases: empty champagne bottles 
  • Anna Endresen: Spatial sources of temporal approximation: the Russian
  • prepositions o(b) and okolo
  • Sergey Say: Vremennye obstojatel’stvennye konstrukcii s edinicej nazad i ix
  • konkurenty: semantika i sintaksis