Book Launch: Domestication Gone Wild

We are pleased to announce that former CAS project leader Marianne Lien and CAS fellows Heather Swanson and Gro Ween have published a new edited collection Domestication Gone Wild: Politics and Practices of Multispecies Relations, which offers a revisionary exploration of domestication as a narrative, ideal, and practice that reveals how our relations with animals and plants are intertwined with the politics of human difference.
The book is a result of the CAS project Arctic Domestication in the Anthropocene, and the research group on Domestication as part of the project Anthropos and the Material at the Department of Social Anthropology, University of Oslo.
- Introduction by Marianne Lien
- Readings from the book by Heather Swanson, Gro Ween and Jon Henrik Ziegler Remme
- Commentary by Tone Druglitrøe
- Discussion led by Gro Ween and Marianne Lien
'What do Pacific salmon, British falcons, pine trees everywhere, Ifugao pigs and spirits, and Norwegian apples have in common? They perform ‘domestication’ in ways certain to change the narratives and politics of domestication for scholars of whatever discipline and for critter people all over the earth. Read this book for up-to-the-minute, deeply researched, very smart, contentious takes on the shapes of conjoined humans and nonhumans living and dying together in diverse histories of civilization, colonialism, capitalism, times-past and times-yet-to-come. Perhaps what opens up in this book are real possibilities for caring more materially in urgent times.'
- Donna J. Haraway, author of Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene.