
AGU Meeting

Members from the CAS research project Mantle Dynamics: Linking Surface and Deep processes contributed with 21 lectures and posters at the annual AGU meeting in San Francisco.

Lectures by CAS Fellows and short‐term visitors:

  • Van Der Voo, R, Torsvik, T H: "Geometric Signatures of Continental Movements During
  • Supercontinent Assembly and Dispersal" (Invited)
  • van der Meer, D G, Spakman, W, Van Hinsbergen, D J, Amaru, M L, Torsvik, T H: "Towards
  • absolute plate motions constrained by lower‐mantle slab remnants"
  • Torsvik, T H, Burke, K: "Linking the Wilson Cycle to deep Earth processes" (Invited)
  • Burke, K, Torsvik, T H: "New results show that the long term stability of Large Low Shear Wave
  • Velocity Provinces (LLSVPs) on the CMB has lasted for at least 540 My"
  • Ganerod, M, Torsvik, T H, Van Hinsbergen, D J, Gaina, C, Werner, S, Owen‐Smith, T, Ashwal, L D,
  • Webb, S J, Hendriks, B W: "Paleoposition of the Seychelles microcontinent in relation to the
  • Deccan Traps and the Plume Generation Zone in Late Cretaceous‐Early Palaeogene time"
  • Doubrovine, P V, Steinberger, B, Torsvik, T H: "A Global Moving Hotspot Reference Frame: How
  • well it fits?"
  • Kaymakci, N, Van Hinsbergen, D J, Spakman, W, Torsvik, T H: "Reconciling the geological history
  • of western Turkey with plate circuits and mantle tomography"
  • Gaina, C, Labails, C, Reeves,C: "Early Opening of the Indian Ocean: An African Perspective"
  • Saltus, R W, Miller, E L, Gaina, C: "Gravity and magnetic anomalies of the western Arctic ocean
  • and its margins provide an imperfect window to a complex, multi‐stage tectonic history" (Invited)
  • Bower, D J, Gurnis, M, Wicks, J K, Jackson, J M: "A geodynamic and mineral physics model of a
  • solid‐state ultralow‐velocity zone"
  • Liu, L, Gurnis, M: "Dynamic subsidence and uplift of the Colorado Plateau" (Invited)
  • Spasojevic, S, Gurnis, M: "Dynamic Earth Models: Sea Level and Vertical Motion of Continents
  • since the Late Cretaceous"
  • Leng, W, Gurnis, M: "Reconsideration of mantle plume head structure and the formation of large
  • igneous provinces"
  • Gurnis, M, Alisic, L: "The emergence of whole mantle convection as a guiding paradigm in earth
  • science"
  • Alisic, L, Gurnis, M, Stadler, G, Burstedde, C, Wilcox, L, Ghattas, O: "Slab Stress and Strain Rate as
  • Constraints on Global Mantle Flow" (Invited)
  • Seton, M, Müller, D, Gurnis, M, Flament, N, Whittaker, J: "The subduction reference framework"
  • Zahirovic, S, Müller, D., Gurnis, M, Seton, M, Whittaker, J, Flament, N: "The India‐Eurasia
  • collision and marginal basin evolution in the NW Pacific"
  • Buiter, S, Ellis, S M: "The Initiation of Subduction Models"
  • Buiter, S, Schreurs, G, The GeoMod2008 Team: "Benchmarking the Sandbox: Quantitative
  • Comparisons of Numerical and Analogue Models of Brittle Wedge Dynamics" (Invited)
  • van Summeren, J, Conrad, C P, Gaidos, E: "Convective Structure and Tectonic Setting for
  • Synchronously Rotating Super‐Earth Exoplanets"
  • Bianco, T A, Conrad, C P, Smith, E I: "Time‐Dependence of Intraplate Volcanism Caused by Shear‐
  • Driven Upwelling of Low‐Viscosity Regions of the Asthenosphere"