
The Affects of Things

Interdisciplinary workshop

March 22

09.15-09.45   Vigdis Broch-Due, director of CAS: Welcome                                         Bjørnar Olsen, UiT-The Arctic University of Norway/CAS: Introduction

09.45-10.45  Jeff Malpas, University of Tasmania: In the presence of things 

10.45-11.45   Marzia Varutti, University of Oslo: The non-discursive turn in museum exhibitions: affect and the new ways to 'encounter' the material

11.45-13.15   Lunch at Gabelshus Hotel (Gabels gate 16)

13.15-14.15   Paul Wenzel Geissler, University of Oslo: Being with pasts.  Dwelling on/in the ruins of modern Africa

14.15-15-15   Frederik Rosén, Danish Institute for International Studies: Culturewars: Targeting Emotional Materialities

15.15-15.30   Tea/coffee

15.30-16.30   Torgeir Rinke Bangstad, UiT – The Arctic University of Norway: Touching from a distance: fieldwork and affect


19.00              Dinner


March 23

09.30-10.30   Matt Edgeworth, University of Leicester: More than just a record: active ecological affects of archaeological strata

10.30-11.30   Hein Bjerck, NTNU/CAS: In the outer fringe of the human world - cavescapes, paintings and phenomenology

11.30-13.00   Lunch at Gabelshus hotel

13.00-14.00   Saphinaz Amal Naguib; University of Oslo/CAS: Urban art, place and affective atmospheres

14.00-15.00   Denis Byrne, Western Sydney University:  A reclamation, a seawall, and the Holocene sunset on Sydney Harbour

15.00-15.15   Tea/coffee

15.15-16.30   General discussion


19.00              Dinner


The workshop is part of the CAS project After Discourse: Things, Archaeology, and Heritage in the 21st Century,